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Writer's pictureRev. Jenn Shepherd

Bolts of Love Perspective

💕🤗Bolts of Love perspective🤗💕

The further we go down the proverbial rabbit hole of what is happening in our outside world the less we allow the perspective of out heart to shine. In ancient Egypt the heart was considered the resting place of the soul. The soul understands the broader perspective, the heart has the ability to choose actions from a place of it awareness of a singular consiousness within the midst of the wholeness of the story. The story of our unfoldment within the knowledge and faith of unconditional love. Laying our ears to our hearts is sometimes a hard task when our minds race with a perspective braced with the blinders of our earthly circumstances. It is worth the practice, the patience and the compassion for ourselves and those around us. Learning to listen to our heart often has a grand learning curve when we are not troubled. Without the practice before a storm to navigate during a storm finding the silence to hear becomes even a greater challenge, yet one worth reaching.

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