Time & Location
Apr 16, 2020, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
About the event
Welcome to Bolts of Love "Inspiration and Experience" Series
Please Join us with a lit candle by your side. Please use the information below to join. Notice there is a password listed that may be necessary for you to use. During the 90 minutes as many people as possible will receive an inspiratinal message. Whenever we choose to come together either over computer or in person healing through Spirit is present and takes place. We look forward to 'seeing' you on the 16th.
Suggested contribution $5 per person. All are welcome with or without the contribution. Contributions may be made by clicking the following link: http://paypal.me/boltsoflove
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 654 419 478
Password: 017357
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Meeting ID: 654 419 478
Password: 017357
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